There are some people who are
very proud of how little they pack when they travel, gallivanting about all
over the civilized world with nothing more than a sleek carry-on case – and then
there is me. My situation is altogether different. Any tasteful accoutrement that could possibly
become useful in some remote emergency scenario – I’m packing it! I do not (yet) as Queen Elizabeth II does, travel with my own white leather toilet seat, but I have given it some thought...
In any case, traveling light is
not for religious people. Fuhgeddaboudit! First, there is obviously the issue
of bringing the extra Shabbos outfit. And depending on where you are going, it
may not be sufficient with one outfit for Shabbos – oh no, there has to be one
for Friday night and another one for Shabbos day. I see it more and more even
among quite non-materialistic women. Who came up with that? Is this a new chumra, a new religious stricture?
Because G-d has seen that outfit, thank-you-very-much, and He gets fed up with
seeing the same dress over and over, and He is drumming His fingers, as it
were, waiting for you to come up with something new already? Or maybe it is based
on the frequent changing of vestments that the Kohen Godol would perform on Yom
Kippur? Five changes, back and forth between gold and white linen. Because obviously we all want to be very holy.
And that is only when you are a
guest in somebody’s home; if you are staying in a Jewish hotel you need three
outfits – one for Friday night, one for appearing at the Shabbos se’udah, and one for when you wake up
after the afternoon nap, for G-d forbid that anyone should harbor a suspicion
that you don’t own enough clothes. Needless to say, each outfit requires its
own accessories, shoes and jewelry, and chad
gadya, chad gadya – one thing leads to another – and this is coming from
somebody who loves clothes, accessories and jewelry…
Then there is all the other
Shabbos equipment. We are used to traveling to remote spots – spiritually
remote, if not geographically – where Shabbos is barely known beyond a rumor,
and everything must be brought along. Shabbos candles with holders and don’t
forget the matches!; havdoloh candle,
wine, bechers and benchers; a nice tablecloth of course, and
a little something for covering the Challah (plus the Challah itself,
obviously); a cholent pot; a Kosher Lamp for reading in bed and something to
read in bed; masking tape for the light switches in case you should get
absent-minded, and – it just never ends… "Her poor husband" you are thinking now, "all that heavy lifting!" Not so. He explained to me at an early stage of our marriage that his - rather impressive - muscles were purely cosmetic. They are no use at all. I do most of my own heavy lifting.
Kashrus brings with it its own
packing needs. Aside from the frequent necessity to bring along certain food
stuffs (try to find parve chocolate
along the US highways, or bishul Yisroel
tuna!), there are the pots and the pans, and the vegetable peeler and three
colors of paring knives and cutting mats and sponges, and disposable plates (three
sizes) and extra-pretty disposables for Shabbos (I thought we had dealt with
Shabbos already…), and always an electric pump thermos for frequent tea
drinking, even on weekdays, and kosher wine, and a proper corkscrew that won’t
break and cause untold suffering.
And we always bring our own
pillows, otherwise we can’t sleep. And hard-boiled eggs.
In my computer I have numerous
packing lists, each refined for its specific purpose: for car vacations or air
travel, domestic or international, for Europe or Eretz Yisrael, for Pesach and for
the rest of the year, and a special one for a certain college campus where my
husband is occasionally asked to substitute – complete with a map of our room
marking each electrical outlet. There we have to bring our own linens and
comforters and towels as well. And tables.
I even started working on a
packing list for when the Meshiach
comes, because that’s when you want to be ready and not waste time dithering
back and forth about what to bring to the Holy Land. My dear cousin and I have
been discussing this topic – we are in absolute agreement that among other
things, we will need a special Meshiach
kleid – a beautiful dress for greeting the Ge’ulah Sh’leima. May we all be zoche
to do so!
So – no, traveling light must be
something that the Gentiles have dreamt up for their own amusement – not
something that applies to us at all.
I have just returned from a visit
to my European country of origin – need I say that I was assembling my packing for
about ten days in advance? Don’t ask! There is no need – I’ll tell you anyway.
In addition to all the customary necessities, I went all out this time and
packed an extra-small hot water urn, with an adapter to fit the foreign-type
outlet – no more fiddling with pots and unreliable thermostats; I bought stuff
for a really pretty Shabbos belt and sewed it together – and packed it; and then
the gifts, of course…
And aside from the kashrus aspect per se, one must definitely take along some food, just in case. My husband
always says a Jew doesn’t even go up in the attic without taking along a little
something to nibble on, because you just never know. I used to think he was a little over-zealous, bringing along food even on air planes where we had already ordered kosher meals. Wasn't that enough for him? But he kept harping on his theme of how Jews must bring food wherever they go.
And then we had a charming little adventure some years ago which taught me. We went to Eretz Yisrael with Turkish Airlines (first and last time), and on the return trip everybody's kosher meal consisted of only a mini-container of apple sauce and three saltines – because the main course, the Actual Food, had gone missing, and the staff had the audacity to tell us that this was the way kosher dinners came. If my husband hadn’t had some fruit and little bags of nuts and candies handy that he generously shared with his fellow Jews - including his wife - there would have been mass starvation, I can tell you.
And then we had a charming little adventure some years ago which taught me. We went to Eretz Yisrael with Turkish Airlines (first and last time), and on the return trip everybody's kosher meal consisted of only a mini-container of apple sauce and three saltines – because the main course, the Actual Food, had gone missing, and the staff had the audacity to tell us that this was the way kosher dinners came. If my husband hadn’t had some fruit and little bags of nuts and candies handy that he generously shared with his fellow Jews - including his wife - there would have been mass starvation, I can tell you.
This time I flew with Norwegian
Airlines (which I will willingly do again), a discount airline that doesn’t
even offer a kosher meal, assuming you would be willing to pay $30 extra for meal
service. (Halal food they do have. Go figure.) So my dear spouse loaded me up
with salads and chicken and Milky Ways to eat before the chicken – and the ubiquitous hard-boiled eggs of course –
and the concept of schlepping has now
taken on a whole new dimension.
Traveling light? No, I don't think so. But I simply MUST buy some of that
extra light-weight, spinning luggage. Matching, of course. In pink…
Shalom Uv'racha!
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