Some Shidduch Advice for Late Bloomers
And again - just to make sure you are aware of this IMPORTANT NOTE: Some
of the comments below may seem uncomplimentary to my husband, but don’t let that
fool you! He is a tzaddik and I greatly respect him. I have received his
permission and blessing to publish this text, because he understands that any
drastic expressions in this article were written only in the hope of being
helpful to persons who are suffering. And also to get a few laughs.
Not Your Type? – So What!
A friend of mine once passed on
to me some good advice that she had received, and I will now pass it on to you:
Imagine that you are looking at a photo of your future dream zivug. Carefully study every detail of
the picture. Really get into it – all the character traits of this person, all
the special things that make this the most wonderful person in the world! Now,
tear up that photo – because this person doesn’t exist, and that is not the one
you will marry!
The thing is: you are not the expert
on what you need – your Maker is! You may be attracted to a certain type – but
that isn’t necessarily the type that’s good for you, or that will make you
happy. You may think you need to get certain things from a spouse; or
conversely, you may think that you can’t possibly put up with this or that.
This is all very well – I’m not saying that you have bad judgment, but your
judgment is human; your frame of reference is human, of this world, and
therefore inherently limited. In your search for certain criteria, you may be completely
overlooking the deeper, hidden, spiritual needs of your neshamah, your soul.
No, I’m not talking about
anything that a therapist could help you figure out; this is not about
psychology – it is about what takes place in the realm of the spirit. I am
referring to what Hashem, your Creator, knows about you. He put you together; He knows what needs tinkering with; and He has the right mechanic for your soul
– if only you will open the door when he – or He – knocks.
The first time I met my husband I knew he
was not for me. I knew it! Not my type. Talks too much. Don’t like his looks (though it should be said that in wider circles he is considered quite the handsome guy!).
Pleasant enough, maybe, but – no, not my type. But as I came to like the man,
so I came to like his looks. The chattering I got used to. Who listens, anyway?
Some of the traits I had davened for I
didn’t get; instead I got other, more important traits that I hadn’t even
thought to ask for! The funny thing is, he is still not my type – but I
love him. And what’s more – over the years I have come to realize that he is my
neshamah mechanic straight from Hashem’s Yellow Pages. Now, if I could only
make him understand that I was sent to perfect his neshamah too…
May you be zoche to stand under the chuppah with your true zivug!
(Image from |
– You Must Be Desperate!
How many times have I heard – and
said myself, in the past – “I’m not desperate; if the right one comes along
I’ll get married”. If this is how you are thinking – then I’m sorry, but the
right one will not come along, and you will not get married! You have to be desperate – how else to dare
the plunge into something that might not be what you had anticipated? I
also believe that many late bloomers carry within their hearts a measure of
fear, acknowledged or not, as the case may be, and the desperation must be
strong enough to overcome that fear! If you are not desperate, there is a risk
you’ll become complacent. In constant pain, but complacent.
Another story: This young woman isn’t even so young anymore. For
reasons that may have made sense initially, twenty years ago, she lives as a
boarder with a large family. The first time I met her, nine years ago, I knew
she would never get married as long as she remained in this situation, and so
far, nebech, I have not been proven wrong. How do I know? Because many years
ago, when I was a newcomer in this country, I lived for some time – not as a
boarder, but as a caregiver – closely together with another family. I wasn’t
exactly a family member but I was part of a larger context. There were people
around; I wasn’t lonely. There were men coming from shul at the appointed
times; they weren’t my men, but I still experienced that – vicarious! – sense
of satisfaction you get when a man walks in the door and it’s time for Kiddush,
or Havdoloh, or kashering the curtains, or something… There were many similar
factors, which all contributed to giving me a false sense of belonging with
somebody. It was very subtle, and I was barely aware of it at the time, but I
know that it was so, and it prevented desperation.
This may sound harsh, and please
don’t be offended, but it is a reality: If you are a late bloomer, you may need
to expose yourself to the full, unadulterated pain of your loneliness – only
that way will you experience such a degree of desperation that you absolutely
must get married, no matter what. You
must be desperate enough to be able to give up all your pre-conceived notions
of what marital happiness should look like. You must be desperate enough to
be able to daven, like I finally did:
“Please Hashem, I don’t care who my zivug
is, I don’t care what he’s like, what he has or doesn’t have, or what he looks
like – just bring him, whoever he may be!” Once I was able to say that, and
mean it, things began to happen.
“But I don’t want to settle”, I
hear you say, “I have waited so long and suffered so much I can’t take just
ANYBODY after all this – I mean, THAT is what I have been waiting for all these
years?! Look at the people I have said no to already - now I should say yes to this one?” Oh, the horrifying specter of “settling”! Let me tell you something:
it feels good to be settled. Okay – I know that is not exactly what you meant,
but that is how I think you should look at it. “Settling” means that you accept
Hashem’s plan for you – and that is a good thing! And believe me – you may be
very pleasantly surprised.
Let me say it again: as long as
you insist on making up the rules for what kind of a zivug you should have, Hashem can’t help you. He has someone in
store for you, but you must be prepared to accept THAT ONE – not the product of
your own imagination. I’m not telling you to marry and be miserable, chas vesholom, I’m telling you that happiness is sometimes found in a different
shape, and in a different place, than you would think possible.
After we had gotten engaged, my choson and I discovered that we had
many contact points; my friends knew his friends, and theoretically there were
many people who could have set us up with each other. Obviously nobody had
thought it made sense – because “on paper” it didn’t (and still doesn’t) make
sense. “Only Hashem could have put this shidduch together!”, one of my
acquaintances burst out in spontaneous amazement. There were many issues to
discover and deal with; in all honesty, there were difficulties, and there were
days during our first married year that I feared I might have made a mistake. Would
I have married this man if I hadn’t been desperate?! No, I certainly wouldn’t –
and I would have missed out on great happiness and a good life with a good man
who, strange as it may seem, has been tailor-made for me by our Creator. (And, obviously, I am his perfect ezer k'negdo - the helpmeet against him!)
Dear Late Bloomer, may Hashem
bless you with success in your efforts at finding your true zivug!
And invite me to the wedding.
Shalom Uv'racha!